10 research outputs found


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    We can no longer interpret the contemporary metropolis as we did in the last century. The thought of civil economy regarding the contemporary Metropolis conflicts more or less radically with the merely acquisitive dimension of the behaviour of its citizens. What is needed is therefore a new capacity for imagining the economic-productive future of the city: hybrid social enterprises, economically sustainable, structured and capable of using technologies, could be a solution for producing value and distributing it fairly and inclusively. Metropolitan Urbanity is another issue to establish. Metropolis needs new spaces where inclusion can occur, and where a repository of the imagery can be recreated. What is the ontology behind the technique of metropolitan planning and management, its vision and its symbols? Competitiveness, speed, and meritocracy are political words, not technical ones. Metropolitan Urbanity is the characteristic of a polis that expresses itself in its public places. Today, however, public places are private ones that are destined for public use. The Common Good has always had a space of representation in the city, which was the public space. Today, the Green-Grey Infrastructure is the metropolitan city's monument that communicates a value for future generations and must therefore be recognised and imagined; it is the production of the metropolitan symbolic imagery, the new magic of the city

    Methodological Guidelines for Metropolitan Cartography projects Mapping the accumulation of Contested Territories in southern Latitude metropolitan cities

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    The field of research is in Latin America, where the cultural logic of colonialism still persists and manifests itself as a type of colonial heritage. The research deals with the physical dimension of the metropolis. Considering the challenges of climate change and growing socio-economic inequalities, we verify the methodology of Metropolitan Cartography as a tool that allows us to represent the values of the contested territories and see how dynamic metropolitan transformations on the space-time map can be combined with the interstitial world of local communities: otros saberes. Through mapping projects, the task of metropolitan architecture in ‘southern latitude’ cities is to construct a new form of metropolitan urban life and strengthen a feeling of adequacy between places and inhabitants. The research issue relates to the way in which indigenous populations can tune ‘other values’ brought by globalisation to the practices of their remote past, their ‘values’

    Metropolitan Integrated Planning Co-Construction of the Meta-Logistics District

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    Accelerating the ecological transition and access to sustainable mobility through a partnership between metropolises, cities and districts fostering the dialogue on science, technology and innovation to contribute to a global strategy tackling climate change problems is fundamental. In the contemporary city, due to the conflict of scales, we must understand how to relate metropolitan scale to the local one. Starting from the metropolitan dynamics connected to the logistics sector, one of the main territory negative impact makers, the paper introduces the Metropolitan Cartography tool to obtain a meta-project necessary to achieve sustainable development by dealing with SDGs applications and bringing together different disciplinary knowledge. The research field of action is two transects of metropolitan landscape, which identify two possible logistics meta-districts. The first is in the Città Metropolitana di Milano a West-East transect from Milan to Melzo, which is intersected by the second, South-North, which starts in the Piacenza, Emilia Romagna Region intermediate city. The research project's first aim is to produce a cartography tool able to define the circumstances of sustainable plan and design of the entire logistics meta-district transects studying the mobility’s impacts. The second research's aim argues about the necessary condition to produce a sustainable local archipelago system‘s design project linked to the logistics meta-district’s transect “last mile” that can be directly managed by the local communities. Nevertheless, it must be designed to be connected to the metropolitan grid

    What is the quality of the space?

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    Understanding the effects of a metropolis' changes in scale - the rate of growth and its speed - rather than pursuing the search for optimal city size, is mandatory. The New Urban Agenda discussed performance dimensions of the contemporary city’s functioning mode, knowing that place quality derives from a mutual effect with the society that uses it. However, our research focuses on how city performance dimensions can be measured to establish the values of the metropolitan form that are capable of endowing metropolitan projects with meaning. The Metropolitan Paradigm of inter-scalar connection and the Metropolitan Architecture Project Hybrid Typology are references to measure the metropolis’ performance. The Metropolitan Paradigm concerns the five city dimensions: physical, economic, energetic, social and governance. In particular, the aim of the paper is to study the physical metropolitan framework and its impact on the lives of metropolitan inhabitants, socio-economic flows and the meaning of the concept of "environment" today. The city is still analysed as a spatial phenomenon represented by data/quantities related to space. Nevertheless, the value of form plays a fundamental role within the Metropolitan Discipline at all scales, as spatial relationships within metropolitan settlements are increasingly not metric but relational. In conclusion, we study the connection between history and geography, environmental issues, the Metropolitan Structural Paradigm, and the new Public Realm heterogeneous elements to represent the metropolitan quality and living-related values that constitute the Metropolitan Democracy’s opportunity

    Metropolitan Cartography: An Inventive Practice Tool for Caring Metropolitan Landscapes

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    To focus on issues of the resilient city on the metropolitan scale, it is important to understand the metropolitan city as a system that uses complementary actions to work with local projects for maintenance to preserve, improvement to increase, and transformation to grow, increasing the scale of local projects. Metropolitan City is a system that allows places to relate to each other in order to implement and care for metropolitan landscapes and their resources. To outline and give a spatial image to these relationships, the maps of Metropolitan Cartography are projects that identify the spatial components that make the landscapes dynamic, order spatial categories according to a new taxonomy for mapping the urban-rural interdependence of spaces, and structure gradients of tonal rhythms of landscapes that can be reprogrammed for new inventive patterns of land-use. Metropolitan Cartography (MC) is therefore, a methodology capable of interpolating spatial data in a new synthetic map for digital design practices. With MC maps, it is possible to spatialize new land-use patterns from the global to local scales by mapping open-source data obtained through data mining, data settings, and data semiotics following the metropolitan architecture design process. In particular, the Metropolitan Cartography experiment allows us to contextualize qualitative and quantitative open-source data, finding and highlighting implicit relationships between heterogeneous informative layers, which help to characterize the state of care and neglect of metropolitan landscapes at ‘southern latitudes’. Thus, the operational findings of Metropolitan Cartography maps for caring metropolitan landscapes are outlined as methodological steps that make visible spatial relationships not yet detectable on the ground, which can be shaped by interpolating geographical, social, and economic factors. The maps allow for stages of project design and practices through repeatable and scalable open-data processing, which allows and supports sequences of logical choices for metropolitan architecture projects

    Ragusa Ibla_San Paolo neighbourhood: regenerative cultural common

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    In XX century Italy abandonment is a widespread phenomenon. In the case of S. Paolo – a neighbourhood in the periphery of Ragusa Ibla, a UNESCO site in Sicily -, abandonment is linked to 1) the fragility of its geographical position; 2) the contraction of economic growth; 3) the lack of "modern" urban services. These three factors are interlinked and active as circular causes of the present condition of abandonment of S. Paolo. The paper presents our proposal of intervention working on the three factors together through a two-steps method: first, we clarify at different scales the issue (abandonment) and the processes that are producing it; then, we intervene on the three circular and non-linear causes, according to our vision of complexity. Our method also acts on the currently widespread development practices, which could entail the risk of manipulating the identity of a historical place in defining not a collective but only a private space (planning gentrification) and without producing a sustainable project in the long-term spam. We follow a Design Thinkers approach within a Practice of Metropolitan Discipline: every analysis is project-oriented and evidence-based


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    "Formar y remodelar la metrĂłpolis es un arte complejo que va mĂĄs allĂĄ de la determinabilidad del conocimiento cientĂ­fico en tres aspectos:interacciones mĂĄs complejas; elecciĂłn y clarificaciĂłn de objetivos y valores; una tarea creativa de imaginar. La herramienta que hemos concebido, la Metropolitan Cartography, opera siguiendo estas dos vĂ­as: estudiando el sistema de relaciones complejas entre los componentes del territorio a diferentes escalas, comprendiendo los procesos generativos, manteniendo alta la atenciĂłn a los caracteres perceptivos de las partes, y sus caracterĂ­sticas morfolĂłgicas, relevantes para describir los procesos generativos, con el fin de marcar los saltos de escala para iluminar la articulaciĂłn de los diferentes niveles espaciales (Secchi, 1986)"

    The Impact Of Smart Cities And Technologies On Desakota Region. Comparative study between Lombardy Region, Italy & Chennai and Kolkata, India

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    Megalopolis or Mega-city is a new scale that should not be defined by population numbers. We are in a new dimension, a new DNA. In the context of Meg-alopolis and regions where the scale of the urbanization goes beyond the traditional definition of a Metropolis, defining an effective governance structure and strategies is a challenging yet fundamental goal. Information technology plays a vital role in building the global Megalopolis, as the virtual infrastructure and data allow a city to be strategic at the international scale while advancing inhabitants daily life at the local scale. In this chapter we attempt to define the governance strategies in the mega global cities in two steps: first, to trace the dynamics between the various stakeholders in the mega-project that is often complex and less hierarchical and provide a framework where the genome of a Metropolis is evident. The second step emphasizes the importance of the direct relationship between the governance structure and the territorial contexts and intelligenc

    Neonatal Adaptation Issues After Maternal Exposure to Prescription Drugs: Withdrawal Syndromes and Residual Pharmacological Effects

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